Embracing Diversity as a Family Blog #7: Chapter 5. Christian Church Blind Spot

Do you attend a local church regularly? I do not mean occasionally watching sermons or attending classes online (unless you need to due to health or other life circumstances), but physically attending weekly worship services, Bible studies, or other spiritual growth opportunities during the week.
If you said, “No”, you are not alone. Of Americans professing a Christian faith, only 36% attend church weekly. But, it is good for Christians, or those seeking Christ, to assemble on a regular basis for edification, fellowship, hymns of praise, prayer, and worship of our God and King through the Holy Spirit, as well as to establish a tangible support network to help assist us with life’s problems and disasters.
I often hear people say, “I cannot find the right church”, “I do not trust churches because my old church really hurt me”, “There are not enough people who look like me to attend that church”, or this, “I work on Sunday, so I cannot attend a church”. While these are heartfelt, truthful statements, they should not be the determining factor for Christians to forego regular church attendance. The Bible commands that we are to, Remember the Sabbath, to keep it Holy (Exodus 20:8) and, Not forsaking the assembling of ourselves together (Hebrews 10:25).
Four reasons it has been exceedingly important to me to regularly attend church alone or with my family include:
1. Worship of God in His Holy sanctuary
2. Accurate and regular teaching from the Bible
3. Service to others as the hands of Jesus, which is in-turn a blessing on oneself
4. Fellowship with like-minded believers
I want to encourage you that regular church attendance by singles and families offers life-long benefits because it:
• Creates a close-knit community to celebrate good times and offer support during difficult sufferings
• Disciples children and adults in the ways of Jesus Christ with God’s Word
• Enables both men and women to fellowship with like-minded people
• Gathers people together in corporate prayer for members and God’s larger kingdom
• Makes counseling available for individual or family issues
• Offers service opportunities to promote camaraderie and friendship while helping others
• Preaches the Old and New Testament of the Holy Bible, making the whole Bible relevant for today’s living
• Provides a safe space for children to learn about Jesus, be discipled, interact, learn, and play
[Chapter continues in the book.]
Here is the Amazon link for Embracing Diversity as a Family: Preparing the Next Generation to Flourish.