This is a book I am looking forward to writing in collaboration with my third-born son. He has dutifully, by choice, managed our farm, and helped with my minor children still at home since the unexpected death of my beloved husband. If our schedules allow, we hope to begin writing the book manuscript in 2021 with publication in 2022.

The purpose of the book is to record for posterity what happens when a city family determines to homestead in a remote, rural area for the sole purpose of giving their children a better life. It is a popular topic in today’s rat-race culture, yet few survive the hard early years to then thrive in the later years!

It will include great storytelling, interesting tid-bits, and practical advice for those who would brave a new way of life by returning to mankind’s agrarian roots. With the readability of an engaging vovel, this will be a non-fiction book on small-scale family farming written from a Christian Worldview….


One Family’s Journey to Life On Their Farm in the Middle of Nowhere

  1. The Girl from Kansas
  2. The Boy from New Mexico
  3. Urban Homesteading
  4. We Bought the Farm
  5. Sleeping on the Floor
  6. My First Auction
  7. Fencing, Endless Fencing
  8. Learning To Manage Livestock
  9. Trading College Degrees for Shovels
  10. Butchering, the Old Fashioned Way
  11. Canning and Preserving
  12. Dairy Dos and Don’ts
  13. Boys and Their Toys
  14. Girls Learning Real Skills
  15. Life in Paradise – Without Going Broke
  16. Together, We Can Make It
  17. A Sick Sense of Humor
  18. Whatever the Weather
  19. 26 Miles to Town and 86 Miles from Everywhere
  20. Home School and College
  21. Reviving the Dying Family Farm – Forget Birth Control and Sports
  22. A Couple’s Dream, A Family’s Economic Future
  23. An Open Door – Serving Him in All Things