As global technology and travel increase the mix of abilities, cultures, ethnicities, ideologies, and skin tones in our society, an honest and winsome response for raising future generations to navigate diversity, equity, and inclusion from a biblical perspective is crucial for our families to thrive in a toxic world.bJoin compelling Christian author, popular public speaker, and wise mom of 11 children, Shari Howard McMinn, on her insightful and inspiring life-long journey of raising her diverse family built through marriage, birth, and adoption. Her extensive bibliography, recommended resources, and definitive vocabulary were foundational to her search for answers to life’s big questions about diversity. McMinn’s own story, joined with the voices of her guest contributors, will elicit joy, sorrow, and profound consideration as God’s work in their lives is revealed. You will become empowered and encouraged to seek biblical justice for yourself, your family, and those around you; show mercy to others every day; and walk humbly the rest of your life. Embracing Diversity As a Family will help you produce the “fruit of the spirit” in your life and the lives of your children and grandchildren as you raise them to know, love, and serve God with all their heart, mind, soul, and strength, while learning to love your neighbor as yourself. (coming June 2023
CultureProof.net Podcast Interview
Shari McMinn on family and the diversities we don’t talk about, July 7th, 2024.
(Shari’s interview begins at 2:32 minute mark)
Generations.org Podcast Interview
Shari McMinn on Embracing Diversity, July 3rd, 2024.
(Shari’s interview begins at 12:50 minute mark)