Shari Howard McMinn – Author, Non-Fiction Books


Embracing Diversity as a Family: Preparing the Next Generation to Flourish
As global technology and travel increase the mix of abilities, cultures, ethnicities, ideologies, neurodiversity, religions, and skin tones in our society, this well-researched and winsome response from a proficient parent is well-timed. Seasoned guidance for raising future generations to navigate diversity, equity, and inclusion from a biblical perspective is crucial wisdom for 21st-century families to thrive in a toxic world. Compelling Christian author, public speaker, thinker, and self-described “just a mom” of 11 children, Shari Howard McMinn, is an insightful storyteller who recounts her lifelong pursuit of answers about diversity. This empowering and motivating book is for all who seek biblical justice as they learn to show mercy, walk humbly, and share the love of Jesus Christ with nearby neighbors and distant strangers. (Released June 2024)– PUBLISHED WORKS –

DEATH, WHERE IS THY STING? Recovery from the Loss of Our Loved Ones and Preparation for our Own Final Days
Based on the Author’s own experiences with unexpected death in her family – infant death from sudden illness, spousal death from heart attack, and tragic murder of her teenage daughter – the reader is walked step-by-step through the surviving to thriving stages of grief processing. Further, the author’s inspirational life story paints a true picture of living fully in preparation for our own inevitable death and the Heavenly glory that Christians will experience in the afterlife. McMinn is a down-to-earth writer who engages readers with her storytelling and wit. Sometimes heartbreaking, sometimes absurdly humorous, her writing is wisdom put into practice. Readers finish her books feeling inspired and driven to find accomplishment, joy and satisfaction in life.
One early reader commented,
“Handling death and dying is a complicated and difficult task, whether it’s your own or that of someone close to you. In her book, author Shari Howard McMinn provides much detailed biblical guidance and wise advice gleaned from her own struggles with these issues. She honestly and openly shares her own shortcomings and personal wrestling through those tragedies she has experienced, firsthand, over the years. And believe me, she covers all the bases! She is not just an ivory tower philosopher, but a veteran soldier who has fought in the trenches against our last enemy, death!” – Dr. Jeffrey K. Boer, M.Div., D.Min., Pastor of Sharon Orthodox Presbyterian Church; Hialeah, Florida

A Family Knit Together Continues Their Legacy of Faith
(Published December 8th, 2014)

ADOPTION: Encouragement and Advice for a Hopeful journey
A Husband-Wife Date-Study for Successfully Raising Adopted Children in the Christian Home
(Published April 19th, 2017)

A farmwife and mom to 11, the author calculates she has served 3 meals a day plus snack for 30 years from her humble kitchen within a modest budget.
Published: November 26th, 2018
FLY HIGH, BUTTERFLY: 40 Days of Inspiration for young Women
Young women aged 13 to 30-something-years old will enjoy doodling and writing in the pages of this beautifully written and partially illustrated journal. As “Mom to many”, the author shares her biblically-based wisdom for young women to discover who they are now, and who God created them to ultimately become. Readers will uncover their gifts, passions, and talents to live life to the fullest. Included are answers to common yet important questions ranging from “Why am I here?” to “What about guys?” and “What does my future hold?” (Coming June 2025)
This is a book I am looking forward to writing in collaboration with my third-born son. He has dutifully, by choice, managed our farm, and helped with my minor children still at home since the unexpected death of my beloved husband. If our schedules allow, we hope to begin writing the book manuscript in 2021 with publication in 2022. (Coming June 2026)TURN LEFT PAST THE WEEDS: One Family’s Journey to Life on Their Farm in the Middle of Nowhere