Embracing Diversity as a Family Blog #6: Chapter 4. It’s a Jungle Out There – Lions, Tigers, and Elephants

In the home where I was brought up, my lawyer father and homemaking mom would often discuss topics of great importance. They met during college on opposing debate teams and have been debating current events, geo-political issues, and the doctrine and dynamics of their devout Christian faith ever since. Now, at ages 91 and 93, they remain sharp as tacks and read constantly. In between, they watch broadcast news several times a day. They discuss with each other and their friends what is happening in their church, their community, our nation, and the world, including the leadership and associated decisions of local, state, national, and international governments.
Following the model of my parents, I have always been an avid reader, deep thinker, and never shied away from speaking my mind on a wide variety of subjects that interest me. My Mensa-level genius husband was like-minded and was a talker! We encouraged our children to do likewise as they were growing up. As I have aged, I have become an even deeper thinker, stronger in my opinions than ever before, and bolder in sharing my thoughts on nearly every topic known to mankind, and not always winsomely! It shocks me that freedom of speech in print and digital media is being censored worldwide, including in the USA, and the average person does not care. Well, I care, and I hope my readers do, too!
It is possible, and I believe crucial, to speak winsomely and wisely while discussing very important issues, even those that are highly sensitive “hot button” topics. In other western countries such as Canada and the British Empire nations, censorship is being codified into law. The attacks are particularly aimed at Christians who uphold biblical doctrine in these post-Christian times. Many of us from the baby-boom generation never thought we would see such a day! Is not that why we fought numerous wars against Nazi and communist tyranny?
As a result of what is happening, we must express our thoughts freely, particularly in the USA where freedom of speech (both spoken and written) is guaranteed under the First Amendment of our Constitution. “Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.”
It is a veritable social jungle out there in the world, with prowling lions, tigers, and bears ready to eat anyone alive who dares speak the truth against the current hateful narrative this book seeks to honestly address. With this persecution and prejudice comes financial and personal suffering for the one to whom it is aimed. This is evil and is an abomination unto God. The elephant in the room is that we do not publicly discuss what God’s will is for all those who suffer and for the rest of us who should do something about the persecution.
I reiterate that the elephant is not age, not culture, not disability, not politics, not religion, not even skin color. But it is speaking and writing about how a Christian is to accept, endure, forgive, move forward, and yes, peacefully protest when we can. Because our fellow men, women, and children are suffering, we must communicate about these oppressions to discuss solutions, offer encouragement, practice patience, put on perseverance, and express gratefulness to God for all of it. Then, once the truth is discussed, we can move forward to righteously change the things in our respective cultures that are unfair or oppressive, starting within the hearts of each of us who say we believe in justice, mercy, and humility.
[Chapter continues in the book.]
Here is the Amazon link for Embracing Diversity as a Family: Preparing the Next Generation to Flourish.