Embracing Diversity as a Family Blog #1: Table of Contents

People ask me what my 5th published book is about. Beyond the description on the back cover, I think the simplest way to explain it further is to share the “Table of Contents” in my blog post today. I hope you will read the outline and become intrigued enough to purchase a copy and read it. One reader recently texted this to me: “I am reading your book. It is so interesting and useful in many ways! I was also a single mother … this warms my heart, Shari. Thanks!”

Here is the Amazon link for Embracing Diversity as a Family: Preparing the Next Generation to Flourish.

Table of Contents
i. Acknowledgements
ii. Preface: Wanted – Visionary Families Seeking to Live Their Best Life Under God’s Loving Authority

Part 1: The Past
1. Awareness – 1960’s Wichita
2. Experience – 2000’s Colorado
3. Good, Bad, and Ugly History
4. It’s a Jungle Out There – Lions, Tigers, and Elephants

Part 2: The Present
5. Christian Church Blind Spots
6. Accurate Information?
7. Prejudgment – Hate, Division, Separation
8. Biblical Offense or Our Offendedness
9. Ableism – Value in His Sight
10. Ageism – Respect is Due
11. Classism, Casteism, and Cliques – Labels, Numbers, or Individuals?
12. Colorism – 40 Shades of Brown
13. Culturism – Appreciation vs. Appropriation
14. Displaced People – Homelessness, Immigration, Incarceration
15. Neurodiversity – Gifted, Intellectually Disabled, Mentally Ill, Struggling Learners
16. People Groups by Continental Region
17. Philosophy and Politics – Animosity, Dialogue, or Indoctrination?
18. Racism – Endemic, Systemic, or Rubbish?
19. Religious Discrimination – Repeating History
20. Sexism – Created Equally Yet Uniquely

Part 3: The Future
21. Parenting for Resilience
22. Recovering Idyllic Childhoods
23. Inclusion Begins at Home – Family Identity
24. Education – Multiplying Talents
25. Family Culture, Heritage, and Legacy
26. The Dinner Table – Epicenter of Family Life
27. Blessed Marriages – Worth the Effort
28. Discipleship and Discipline
29. Biblical or Social Justice?
30. God’s Plan for Family Economics
31. Generation to Generation
32. Open, Honest, Winsome
33. Womb-to-Grave and In-Between Care
34. Honoring God in Humility – Rise, Speak, Go, Do

iii. Recommended Resources
A. Bibliography
B. Classic Children’s Books to be Read Aloud and Discussed with Your Family
C. Filmography
D. Family films
E. Websites

iv. The Sinner’s Prayer
v. About the Author

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