DWITS #1 – Endorsements for my latest book: “Death, Where is Thy Sting?”

Exciting news! Drum roll … introducing my latest book: Death, Where is Thy Sting? Recovery from the Loss of Our Loved Ones and Preparation for Our Own Final Days!
In just 10 days, August 30th, National Grief Awareness Day, my book will sales launch on Amazon! Yes, you HAVE TO WAIT UNTIL Aug. 30 to buy it! (We are in the process of one last edit.)
Today begins my blogging on Friday afternoons for the next 34 weeks – through mid-April 2021. Each week I will share a chapter excerpt to pique your desire to purchase and read my book, and order one for a friend who is grieving over death. To that end, I am excited to share my highly complimentary Beta reader endorsements (listed in alphabetical order by last name):
“Handling death and dying is a complicated and difficult task, whether it’s your own or that of someone close to you. In her book, Death, Where is Thy Sting? Recovery from the Loss of Our Loved Ones and Preparation for Our Own Final Days, author Shari Howard McMinn provides much detailed biblical guidance and wise advice gleaned from her own struggles with these issues. She honestly and openly shares her own shortcomings and personal wrestling through those tragedies she has experienced, firsthand, over the years. And believe me, she covers all the bases! She is not just an ivory tower philosopher, but a veteran soldier who has fought in the trenches against our last enemy, death!” – Dr. Jeffrey K. Boer, MDiv, DMin, Pastor of Sharon Orthodox Presbyterian Church; Hialeah, Florida
“I appreciate how Shari McMinn shared her processing of the loss of her loved ones, has been able to accept and move forward, but with always having them in her heart. Even though I have days where I feel cheated because my husband is no longer here to do things with me, I know his sudden passing from leukemia was a blessing for him. Every day I thank the Lord for giving us nearly 50 years together, for preparing me to be strong, and continue with the things which were important to both of us.” – Luann Boyer, retired Family and Consumer Science educator, FCS Education Consultant/Association Management; Fort Morgan, Colorado
“This is a book that I will read many times over. On ‘strong days’ I will dive into it with a notebook and pencil in hand, writing down many practical takeaways. On ‘those other days’, I will curl up with it and my Bible in bed and let the Lord minister and strengthen my heart and soul.” – Rev. Anna Bryan, Foursquare Missions International Worker, Chaplin for Disaster Relief; Adoptive parent, homeschool mom; Port-Au-Prince, Haiti
“Death. It is part of life, but so rarely mentioned and even rarer discussed. Since the beginning of time, it has affected all but two people: Enoch & Elijah. If it will happen to us all, why do we avoid the topic? This book is thought provoking with bite-sized action points. It is written from someone who has been in the trenches of grief, with a deep, heartfelt, desire to come alongside others who are walking this unwanted road. Whether you are overwhelmed with grief, caring for an ailing loved one, or contemplating your future home-going, this book will minister to your soul!” – Katherine Cohen, wife, mother, Young Living Independent Distributor; Elizabeth, Colorado
“With transparency and compassion, Shari Howard McMinn shares her experience and insights into the issues of death and dying. In her book, Death Where Is Thy Sting?, the reader discovers the heartbreaking story of Shari’s losses and those of additional contributors. But we are not left without hope and comfort. Shari brings us to the throne of God repeatedly, reminding us of His character and the promises found in His Word. Whether reading the book as a community group or as a single reader, the benefits are both spiritual and practical. Hymns add to the encouragement for anyone healing from the loss of a loved one. I recommend this book for everyone who is grieving or for those who simply want to prepare for their own time of death.” – Rev. Annalee Davis, MDiv Retired pastor, speaker, and author of, He Left, God Stayed: From Rejection to Wholeness; contributor to other publications including Chicken Soup for the Soul; Hillsborough, New Jersey.
“Shari Howard McMinn’s words truly touched me. Her poignant story and journey through pain will help many come through their own seasons of grief. Shari encourages readers to remember that no matter how dark a valley they may have to walk through, they never walk alone. Her heart of faithfulness and steadfast love for Jesus is inspiring, and her writing style, vulnerability, and honesty make this an indispensable resource for anyone facing death.” – Jessica Glasner, Hope House Press CCO; Fort Collins, Colorado
“The author is more than qualified to share the truth of this book after the death of her cherished baby daughter twenty-five years ago, the death of her soul-mate husband seven years ago, and the murder of her beloved teen-aged daughter three years ago. Shari Howard McMinn shows that we were made to do much more than just survive. With Christ, we were made to thrive. After so much tragedy it would be hard to see the gracious hand of God. But Shari learned to lean on the Lord and rebuild her life again after each of these three heavenly home goings. I am glad that she is a willing servant of the Lord, pouring His water of life into the lives of others through her writing.” – Brent Harwerth, BA, MDiv, THM, Pastor, Berean Bible Church; Fort Morgan, Colorado
“What a helpful and practical book for anyone who is seeking to deal with the grief and pain caused by the death of a loved one! There have been times when I sincerely wanted to bring comfort to a friend who was grieving, but I was overwhelmed by my own inability in the face of such suffering. Having read Death, Where is Thy Sting?, I believe the Word of God along with this well-written book will surely be used by God to bless many lives on the way to healing and living again. I especially like the questions the author asked and answered at the end of the chapters, “What did God show me during this time?” This basic question was tailored to each chapter, and the answers given will surely bless many lives. The author wisely includes guest authors to share their experiences with grief, as well as chapters to help us prepare for our own death and ease the trauma for our loved ones.” – Mrs. H. Francis (Joan) Harwerth, long-time pastor’s wife; Fort Morgan, Colorado
“Shari McMinn’s thoughtfully written book is filled with pertinent personal stories and a wealth of practical suggestions. I have begun the process of clearing out, cleaning up, and preparing for life’s next steps, but I am reminded to pray, breathe, be mindful, stay calm, and enjoy my life right now.” – Carolyn M. Hiatt, business owner, retired educator, Rotarian; Kailua, Hawaii
“The sudden death of a loved one is devastating. It turns our lives upside down. We experience emotions that we don’t understand and uncertainty about the future. After suffering three tragic deaths of family members, Shari Howard McMinn provides insight to strategies that have helped her overcome the trauma and move herself and her children forward with life. Guided by her faith, Shari shares a roadmap that can help all of us navigate the healing process and help others through the struggle.” – Jon Holt, Operations Commander, Morgan County Sheriff’s Office; Fort Morgan, Colorado
“Shari Howard McMinn’s transparent, gentle, and real sharing of her own pain and healing journey from unexpectedly losing three loved ones will be a sweet balm for any hearts devastated by loss. This book, and the stories and counsel within it, brings hope and light when the veil of darkness seems overwhelming. As Christians, we believe there is no trial that is unproductive in God’s economy even through the pain. Shari shares how a person can grow to find peace and includes practical action steps for how to continue living life for your other loved ones and God’s glory. I was truly blessed by this book and know other readers will be, too!” – Lisa Lockman, BS, Dietetics and Food Administration, adoptive parent, homeschool mom; Elizabeth, Colorado
“Shari McMinn’s memoir, Death Where is Thy Sting?, is an inspirational encouragement to those who have experienced the loss of a loved one. Shari is transparent with her journey in a way that leaves the reader feeling like a close friend, sharing stories of life over a cup of coffee or tea. Her experience with loss moved me to tears, yet she provided practical ways of preparation and action steps for all of us who have and will meet face-to-face with the relentless reality of death. McMinn states that we can rest in the promises of the Creator even though, ‘Life is indeed unfair; but God is always in-control of His plan.’ And that plan is always better than what we can imagine!” – Akia Lynch, BS, Volunteers of America Quality Assurance Manager Program Supervisor; Denver, Colorado
“I was hesitant to read a book about real life death — especially during these darker days of Covid-19. However, this book peeled away the layers and exposed death in its simplest form — the beginning of eternal life. Shari Howard McMinn points out that life is preparation for death. This ‘how-to manual’ reads like a novel and provides wisdom for all of life’s challenges. The author’s writing about how to navigate the many transitions in life and finishing well is a life lesson for all. I cried in parts of the book, could hear the author’s voice, picture her chuckling in some parts, and came away feeling lighter during this challenging time. At the end of each chapter, the three ‘wrap ups’ are brilliant! – Colleen Leong Markham, BS, Architecture; Kailua, Hawaii
“Grief is a part of all our lives. Through Shari’s transparency, the grief and pain of death is made accessible as she gently leads you through the healing process and encourages you to allow the Lord to bring beauty from ashes. Death is inevitable. This book gives you practical ways to ease the burden on your loved ones when it’s your time to go.” – Carolyn Martin, Legislative Liaison, Christian Home Educators of Colorado; Colorado Springs, Colorado
“This book provides honest, heartfelt support for everyone who has survived the loss of a loved one — through personal stories, humor, and practical guidance. It will help you prepare for your own death in tangible ways that will ease the burden for those left behind. Most of all, this book is a message of hope! It testifies to the love and grace of God poured out through life’s most difficult circumstances and points us to the hope we have in Jesus Christ. It is a handbook and source of inspiration to be used individually or in a group.” – Phylis Ritscher, MA, Christian ministry leader; Colorado Springs, Colorado
“Shari treats the tender topic of death with such tact and candor that her book gently guides both the bereaved through their grief and those seeking wisdom on how to reach out to grieving family members, friends, and acquaintances. She provides practical wisdom on how to plan for one’s own passing, thus lightening the burden for dear ones left behind. Her insight about grief is also helpful to those who have experienced non-death trauma as well. I will recommend this book to everyone I know.” – Suzanne Wales, AA, Certified Domestic Abuse Victim’s Advocate, Ramsey Preferred Financial Coach, homeschool mother; Fort Morgan, Colorado
“Death is not a subject I want to think about. But in her latest book, Death, Where is Thy Sting?, Shari Howard McMinn is able to openly share her journey that included the sudden deaths of three family members. The writing of it gave her an arena to work through each death in a positive way, which is really remarkable! Easy to read — although hard-hitting with heavy topics — it helped me to reprocess the grieving I have gone through, and taught me about grieving before people die, as well as how to begin letting go.” – Karen L. Ward, RN, wife, mother of five homeschooled adults, caregiver; Lee’s Summit, Missouri
“Shari McMinn has painted vivid pictures of carrying on with life after the death of someone we love, illustrating that life is not simply continuing on as if nothing had happened, but consciously living differently because the absence of that loved one is so significant. For anyone who has been touched by grief, her list of “Don’t say these things” is one I would have taped to my front door, had I had the list at the time, and her suggestions for community conversations (sort of a “Do say these things, at the right time”) will be helpful for families and friends trying to understand. She has outstanding practical advice for putting one’s house in order. Well done!” – Margie Watkins, MEd, educational therapist; bereaved of a son, age 27; Arlington, Virginia
“WOW! Shari Howard McMinn’s book, “Death, Where is Thy Sting?” is the single, most comprehensive book I have ever read concerning the dreaded reality of heartbreak and grief associated with the death of a loved-one. Among many other insightful gifts from Shari’s heart, the reader is blessed with the bonus gift of a thoroughly prepared checklist of how to order one’s life in the preparation of ‘getting one’s affairs in order’ to spare loved-ones additional grief and heartache. Shari gently takes the reader on an amazing journey throughout her life and this reader laughed with her, cried with her, soaked-up every precious moment shared with her family, and clung to the intimate moments with our Heavenly Father as He gently and lovingly guided Shari throughout the uncharted years of her life, up to present-day. Jesus tells us to do for others the same as we want them to do for us and that is exactly what Shari has done for humanity in this gentle, strong, wonderful book. The scripture-based strength, courage, wisdom, and inspiration imparted by her into this loving, amazing, heartfelt work of art is profound. The perfect summation of Shari’s straight-from-the-heart-book is a quote from the pages within: ‘We are all just walking each other home.’ Thank You, Shari Howard McMinn for sharing your heart and for helping each of us to lovingly order our walk, home. “ – Vicki White, MSAC, Amarah’s grandmother of Hope for Kids Like Me, 501(c)3; Alamosa, Colorado
[…] bit about one project that I have been working on since March. I was asked to write a chapter for “Death, Where is Your Sting?” a new book from Shari Howard McMinn. The book comes out on August 30 – which is National […]
Shari has been able to glean wisdom and truth from her relationship with Jesus even during the horrific losses of her life. A book that could be without hope and a feeling of helplessness actually inspires the reader. She shares what she has learned from each loss but is candidly honest on the impact in her life and the huge holes left by these 3 deaths of family she cherished and loved. Highly recommend this book to anyone. Especially an unbeliever to see the power of Jesus in the life of a woman who has had repeated devastating losses.