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Radio Interview About Domestic Adoption
Broadcast November 12, 2018
Listen to the radio interview hosted by Adam McManus featuring Shari McMinn, author of a the book: Adoption – Encouragement, and Advice for a Hopeful Journey.
*Radio interview with Shari starts at minute mark 7:29*
My Video Interview About Adoption
Episode 152, broadcast June 4, 2017
Watch the video interview with Bob Weeks and Shari McMinn, author of a new book called Adoption – Encouragement, and Advice for a Hopeful Journey.
My Radio Interview About Adoption
Broadcast April 12, 2017
Listen to the radio interview with Kevin Swanson and Shari McMinn, author of a new book called Adoption – Encouragement, and Advice for a Hopeful Journey.
*Radio interview with Shari starts at minute mark 11:47*
Learn about my journey writing this educational and encouraging book:
ADOPTION: Encouragement and Advice for a Hopeful Journey
A Husband-Wife Date-Study for Successfully Raising Adopted Children in the Christian Home
SCHEDULE: I am finalizing the manuscript for this current book project, which will be submitted to my professional editor on May 31, 2016. The edited manuscript will then be read for my publisher’s review and editing on August 1. My goal is for book sales to begin November 1, in celebration of National Adoption month. The book will be available in a soft cover edition, as well as a downloadable e-book edition through my publisher www.generationswithvision.com. The Kindle edition will be available through www.amazon.com.
TARGET MARKET: Married, Christian couples in one or more stages of their adoption journey: a) considering/researching; b) application/home-study; c) finalization/coming home; or d)raising adopted children/facing a variety of challenges. This book would also be an excellent resource for church leaders, extended family, and close friends who form the support system for an adoptive family.
PURPOSE: I wrote this book to share transparently our serious struggles and eventual successes in adopting 5 children from trauma backgrounds. I have written about both the beauty, and the ugly of adoption as a family ministry lifestyle. My ultimate goal is to assist Christian, married couples who read this book in the following ways: 1) gain an ‘eyes wide open’ understanding regarding adoption; 2) build a stronger marriage as the foundation for successful adoption; and 3) create a forever family which is bonded, secure, and connected in love. My family has worked through very difficult issues over the last 13 years, and now my children are thriving. The investment of time and effort we spent nurturing each family member, is producing tremendous fruit. I am ‘just a mom’ who has done a lot of research, lived in the trenches, and now wants to encourage other like-minded husbands and wives.
The book format consists of 80 short (2-3 pages) devotional style chapters, which can be read in one sitting. Husband and wife each read the chapter at some point in their week, individually or together, then enjoy a weekly date after together working through the reflection/discussion questions and scripture at the end of that chapter.
The ‘heart’ of the book, is the suggested CREATIVE DATES, which take 18 months if enjoyed after each chapter concludes. This time period is typically what it takes to go from a) application to placement; b) from placement honeymoon to overwhelming child crisis; or c) from overwhelming child crisis into a new season of trust and connection. Whatever stage of adoption a couple may be in, enjoying a new date routine of weekly communication and fun will strengthen their marriage, and refresh both as individuals.
During the first few dates, husband and wife will make a Treasure Chest together, filling it with slips of paper listing 100 CREATIVE DATE ideas. They will also assemble a Tool Chest of funny toys purchased from a dollar or thrift store, to use on their dates. These include such things as crayons, coloring books, hero costumes, flashlights, etc. In dating each other, husband and wife will bring to their marriage improved communication, laughter, memories of their early relationship years, and a richer appreciation for loving, trusting, and understanding one another. The dates are meant to be a lighthearted weekly respite from the struggles of parenting children from hard places, and can be enjoyed at home without having to hire a babysitter.
The book can be read all the way through in a short time if desired, or it can literally take a year and a half to read through. Regardless of the total time to complete, the couple should enjoy 18 months of dates to set a routine for weekly communication and reconnection for the years to come. After an initial read through, the book can be referenced by topic over an extended period of time as issues arise which need to be addressed. This is not just another book on adoption, but a marriage builder and family preserver.
I plan to begin blogging (and sharing on Facebook) with chapter excerpts of my book in early August of 2016. I will be scheduling radio promotions in November to be timed with the publisher release.
Because I believe this book will be a great resource, I want to encourage churches and extended family members to purchase this book to give to adoptive families. As an option for purchasing from my publisher, the softcover books will include a $30.00 gift card for an adoptive couple to purchase the suggested items for the CREATIVE DATES once they are given the book.
Table of Contents
- Dedication and Thanksgiving
- Forward
- Purpose
- Disclaimer
Part One – The Call to Adopt
- Adoption: God’s Call to His Bride, the Church, for Orphan Care
- Beginning to Consider Adoption
- Family On Board – Loving, Respecting, and Treating Adopted Children the Same as Your Other Children
- Fast Forward Parenting
- Hello to Adoption, Goodbye to Some Friends and Family
- Separation and Bonding
- Character, Discipline, and the 10 Commandments
- Bed Wetting and Other Frustrating Behaviors
- Manners and the Simple Things in Life
- Reality Hits- Adopted Children are Often Much More Challenging to Parent than Birth Children
- Real Relationships – Face to Face
- Long Term Goals and Short Term Gains
- Finances, Monthly Budgets, and Subsidies
- Bridging Past and Future Lives With Perspective – Successful Adulthood is the Goal
- Relatives – birth and adopted
- Race, Ethnicity, and an Expanded Heritage
- Sibling Rivalry Like Never Before
- Manipulation and Marriage – Staying Connected As a Couple
- Anger, Emotion, and Calming Communication
- Soul Soothing: Art, Music, and Hands-On Projects
- Delayed Gratification
- A Permanent Future – Stay Flexible, Stay Together, Stay Resolved
- Prayer and Love Cover a Multitude of Sins
- When You Just Can’t Go On – Parental Running Away, and Return
- High Expectations, but Less Than Perfect is A-Okay
Part Two – Following the Call To Adopt: Topical Issues Involved with Adoption
- Alcohol, Internet Pornography, and Mail Order Catalogues
- Anger – Tempers and Tantrums
- Bathrobes and Personal Modesty
- Bedrooms
- Behavior in Public
- Birth Parents: Irresponsible Men and the Other Woman
- Birth Parents: Encouraging Appreciation for Life
- Charts and Other Practical Helps for Patterning, Routines, and Training
- Choices: Controlling the Body versus Leading the Heart
- Consequences: Natural, Imposed, and Punitive – What is Appropriate, and When?
- Corporal Punishment and Other Discipline Control Versus Discipleship
- Dangerous Behaviors – the Reality of Adoption
- Depression and Suicidal Thoughts
- Fear Versus Love; Forgiveness
- Fight, Flight, Freeze
- Guys Adventures, Girls Weekends
- Hair Care and Personal Grooming
- Health, Medical, and Therapeutic Appointments
- Hobbycraft – Connected Relationship Builders
- Holidays
- Labels – Special Needs
- Lifelong Learning
- Love Languages
- Nutrition and Diet
- Obsessions
- Older Biological Children are Invaluable and Need Validation
- One-on-One Time
- Parenting Differences in Dads and Moms – Avoiding Good Cop Vs. Bad Cop
- Running Away
- Safety and Security
- Sexualized Behavior
- Sexually Abused Children
- Sin in All Its Forms – Control and Discipleship
- Sleepovers, Friends and Birthday Parties
- Stealing Food, Money, and Hairbands
- Therapists and Outside Help
- Trust Based Relationship Parenting
- Time-out, Time-in, and Tomato Staking
- 24/7/365 Supervision to Avoid Dangerous Problems
- Work Ethic and Personal Property – Socialism versus Capitalism
Part Three – The Call To Adopt Answered: Is It Worth the Cost?
- My Fair Lady
- What the Bible Says About Adoption
- What My Birth Kids Say About Adoption
- What My Adopted Kids Say About Adoption
- What Other Adoptive Parents Say About Adoption
- What the Church Needs to Do About Adoption – The Problem of Age Segregation
- After You Study This Book
Part Four – Persevering Through the Marathon of the Call To Adopt- Appendix
- Suggested Resources
- Helplist for Churches Assisting Adoptive Families
- CREATIVE DATES: Staying Connected as Husband and Wife at Home for (almost) FREE